Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Allstate TV Ad: Pink SUV Mayhem

Allstate Insurance is not only for famous for their slogan "Are you in Good Hands?” but also for the deep, authoritative voice of spokesperson Dennis Haysbert. However, suddenly a new figure was brought to the attention of television viewers by adding a villain, Dean Winters, to incorporate a little “Mayhem.”

The televisions ads demonstrate a humorous approach to typical incidents, where the character Mayhem portrays everyday accidents that may not be covered by regular insurance. Some examples include driving into a deer, branches hitting your car during a storm, staring a “hot babe out jogging” and hitting a curb light, and a dog chewing up the inside of your car. Allstate added “Mayhem is Everywhere. Protect Yourself. Are you in Good Hands?” to their slogans and created a Facebook for Mayhem fans to share their stories and view the advertisements.

One of my personal favorites is the ad that has Mayhem as a sixteen year old driver and sports a pink SUV, trendy sunglasses, and texting on a cell phone that has little pink accessories attached. He is mad at his “BFF Becky” because she made out with Johnny, whom is of interest. “Now I’m emotional compromising…(hits another car) Whoopsies! And if you’ve got cut rate car insurance, you could be paying for this yourself,” says Mayhem.

In my opinion, this ad campaign is successful due to many advertising concepts that the ads use. One concept that the ads use is repetition, always using similar ads to gain recognition and by adding the new Mayhem to the lineup increased brand recognition. Allstate continues to air or print a variety of the ads at the same time while continuously introducing new ones into the mix. Now with two spokespeople, the repetition has increased because of the two variations in the type of ads. The ads also use image advertising where the ads increase awareness of Allstate against competitive brands, and the Mayhem ads allow viewers to think twice about incidents and whether or not they are covered, and question their choice of insurance.

The user images of the Mayhem ads are everyday people, families, teenagers, CEO figures, and car or home owners that are involved in accidents created by Mayhem. The brand is advertising the car or home owner not being protected against these situational occurrences, and if you have Allstate, then you do not have to worry. The fun part about these ads is that there is an incident, or even multiple, that we can all relate to from past experiences. For example, my sister is a sloppy 16 year old driver that is portrayed exactly how the ad did.

The Mayhem ads also use emotions to drive the brand’s message and use negatively charges features in the commercial to reposition the opposition. They highlight the benefits by of insuring their car with Allstate and see accidents that may not be covered by other insurance companies, and cause viewers to question their current coverage.

Also by using the famous actor of Dean Winters, the advertising ads create perceived popularity of the company because of the A-list star of their campaign. This may in end lead to a bandwagon effect with the new Allstate character and cause younger people without a lot of prior knowledge of insurance companies, and join because they enjoy the star and his new role in the campaigns. The ads communicate the popularity as well by Allstate creating a Facebook and Twitter where fans can visit and share stories with Mayhem. Either way, the addition seems to be a success for Allstate and currently post the newest funny clips on their YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

I am mad for Mayhem!

Mayhem Ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Sjld5yy3Q
Allstate Website http://www.allstate.com/mayhem-is-everywhere.aspx
Mayhem Facebook http://www.facebook.com/mayhemhere#!/mayhemhere?v=wall

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